by Alessandra Rambaldi 14/05/16 1.The European Ombudsman. Profile and functions. 2.The independence of the European Ombudsman 3.Maladministration: a non-well defined framework 4.Who made the complaint? 5.Investigations and results 6.How affects the Ombudsman on European institutions 1. The European Ombudsman. Profile and functions. The European Ombudsman has been introduced into
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Le prime perplessità sul nuovo codice dei contratti pubblici: la semplificazione e il tema del subappalto
di Niccolò Macdonald 14/05/16 Il decreto legislativo 18 aprile 2016, n.50, pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale il 19 aprile 2016, introduce nel nostro ordinamento il nuovo Codice degli appalti pubblici e dei contratti di concessione, attuando così la legge delega del 28 gennaio 2016, n.11. Viene realizzata quindi quella riforma della
Continue readingHealth system modernisation in Britain and Italy. Privileges system in the Italian Health Care. The JCISQUE.10 standard.
by Erika Masini 13/05/16 My dissertation work is focused on the development of Healthcare Service in U.K and Italy. The U.K’s National Healthcare Service (NHS) is well known for providing free care to all its citizens. It was established in 1948. NHS is an universal Healthcare system. It is based
Continue readingA new perspective of banking crisis
by Matteo Manocchio 14/05/16 In response to the financial crisis that emerged in 2008, the European Commission pursued a number of initiatives to create a safer and sounder financial sector. These initiatives, which include stronger prudential requirements for banks, improved depositor protection and rules for managing failing banks, form a
Continue readingClimate change: a general view of the matter
by Fatima Maria Pizzati 14/05/16 One of the major problems of our time is climate change. Climate change, also called global warming, refers to the rise in average surface temperatures on Earth, mostly due to the human use of fossil fuels which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (ghg)
Continue readingWhistleblowing: workers against corruption
by Camilla Cavallucci 13/05/1 Ronald Reagan in 1986 introduced in the US legislation the False Claim Act: every citizen can sue the public official who violates the fundamental principles which characterize his assignment, seeing paid 15-20 percent of reimbursements obtained from the State at the end of the proceedings. This
Continue readingThe regulatory cooperation in TTIP: European and Amercian perspecitives
by Beatrice Perinelli 14/05/16 TTIP stands for “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership“, a proposed treaty between the EU and the USA which aims to influence trade rules between the two economic powers. Its overall objectives are to create new jobs, relaunch both economies and reduce prices for consumers. These goals
Continue readingPublic agents’ qualifications and criminal compliances in State-owned companies
By Alessandro Mura 14/05/16 Theme My work addresses a subject which is known and dealt with all over the world: law applicable to commercial companies whose shareholdings are owned by the State. It focuses, in particular, on the application of the criminal provisions of the Italian penal code regarding crimes
Continue readingVII Conferenza di diritto dell’energia
Si è svolta il 4 e 5 maggio la VII edizione della Conferenza di diritto dell’energia, promossa dai professori Napolitano e Zoppini dell’Università di Roma Tre, in collaborazione con il Gestore dei Servizi Energetici e di Utilitalia e con il patrocinio del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico. Il dibattito di questo
Continue readingDal “too big to fail” al “too big to regulate”? La prevenzione delle crisi bancarie a confronto
di Benedetta Barmann 22/04/16 Negli Stati Uniti la regolazione delle grandi banche appare sempre più come una disperata “corsa contro il tempo”. Lo segnala il New York Times in un articolo dal titolo “Banks still too big to regulate” pubblicato lo scorso 14 aprile. Il procedimento di controllo
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