
Maladministration and the European Ombudsman

by Alessandra Rambaldi 14/05/16 1.The European Ombudsman. Profile and functions. 2.The independence of the European Ombudsman 3.Maladministration: a non-well defined framework 4.Who made the complaint? 5.Investigations and results 6.How affects the Ombudsman on European institutions   1. The European Ombudsman. Profile and functions. The European Ombudsman has been introduced into

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A new perspective of banking crisis

by Matteo Manocchio 14/05/16 In response to the financial crisis that emerged in 2008, the European Commission pursued a number of initiatives to create a safer and sounder financial sector. These initiatives, which include stronger prudential requirements for banks, improved depositor protection and rules for managing failing banks, form a

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Whistleblowing: workers against corruption

by Camilla Cavallucci 13/05/1 Ronald Reagan in 1986 introduced in the US legislation the False Claim Act: every citizen can sue the public official who violates the fundamental principles which characterize his assignment, seeing paid 15-20 percent of reimbursements obtained from the State at the end of the proceedings. This

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VII Conferenza di diritto dell’energia

Si è svolta il 4 e 5 maggio la VII edizione della Conferenza di diritto dell’energia, promossa dai professori Napolitano e Zoppini dell’Università di Roma Tre, in collaborazione con il Gestore dei Servizi Energetici e di Utilitalia e con il patrocinio del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico. Il dibattito di questo

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